|CLEAR SOUL診断|魂の透明性チェックできます
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購入後、[email protected]からメールをお送りします。そこで、戸籍上のお名前(漢字&ひらがな)を確認させていただき、診断を開始します。診断結果は48時間以内にお届けします。
診断は何度でもオーダー可能です。『୨神୧ ポップス』を聴くことで透明度が広がるので、定期的に再診断することで変化を確認できます。
Ve✡︎Nusの『୨神୧ ポップス』やクリアリングメニューを活用することで、魂の透明度は回復し、健康な状態に導くことができます。
●୨神୧ ポップス:https://www.shaman-venus.com/cd/
YouTubeで無料視聴できる『୨神୧ ポップス』は、日々の聴取で透明度を上げ、運気を向上させます。CDでの効果はさらに高く、魂に必要なエネルギーを充電し、健康な状態をサポートします。
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CLEAR SOUL Diagnosis | Check Your Soul's Transparency
Fee: 2,200 JPY
The system says it's a downloaded product, but you don't need to download it for this diagnosis.
This menu offers a simple way to diagnose the current transparency of your soul. Transparency is measured on a scale from 0% to 100%, indicating the health of your soul. The higher the transparency, the clearer and purer your soul is.
How It Works:
After purchase, you will receive an email from [email protected]. In this email, you will be asked to provide your legal name (in Kanji and Hiragana). The diagnosis will be completed and delivered to you within 48 hours.
Key Points:
You can order the diagnosis as many times as you like. Listening to Shaman Music helps expand your soul's transparency, allowing you to monitor changes over time with regular re-diagnosis.
If your soul is affected by negative energies or spirits, the initial measurement may not be accurate. In such cases, we will remove these disturbances at no additional cost and provide you with an accurate diagnosis.
Don’t worry if your transparency is low.
By using Shaman Music and the Clear Soul Clearing Menu offered by Ve✡︎Nus, you can restore your soul's transparency and guide it back to a healthy state.
Shaman Music, which you can listen to for free on YouTube, gradually increases your soul's transparency and improves your luck with daily listening. The effects are even more pronounced when you listen to the CDs, which recharge your soul with the energy it needs and support a healthy state.
Discover your soul's transparency and take the first step toward a healthier, more abundant life.
●shaman music:https://www.shaman-venus.com/cd/